A Grim Look at the Australian Food Chain
My friend Jamie is an environmental scientist in Perth, who, like all of his countrymen, has a fantastic sense of the macabre combined with a love for wild animals. Check out these photos he sent me of a python eating a large wallaby somewhere out in the Australian bush.This is the Aussie equivalent of a trip to Golden Corral...

Click here to see another massive python stuck on an electric fence, and here to see a python retrieving a drowned kangaroo somewhere in the Pilbara. Additionally, I wrote and published a lengthy account of a kangaroo shooting trip I went on in Australia a few years ago. You can read that here.
seriously--oh my god. that's amazing and disturbing.
That was awesome to see. I have owned 3 snakes - although none like the snake in the photo. Mine were 1 Ball Python, 1 Burmeze Python and one RedTail Boa. Those photos brought back memories of feeding them. I'm just in awe of how they can do that. Amazing. I love nature in all it's glory.
When I was really little, maybe 4 or 5, a friend of our family showed me a picture he'd taken of a python that had eaten a goat, but had then been killed when the goat's horns pierced its back. I've been fascinated by snakes ever since.
Have owned several snakes of the past 20 years and all I can say is WOW...it looks like it's jaw was in two totally seperate pieces...UNREAL.
correction F ed in the A
Celerbrate goodtimes- COMMON!
that snake is so sexy
I want photos of it trying to slither off with an undigested macropod in its alimentary canal.
I wonder if snakes get furballs? If not, perhaps a little snake DNA should be spliced into our domestic cats. Oh wait... :)
I want photos of it trying to slither off with an undigested macropod in its alimentary canal.
I wonder if snakes get furballs? If not, perhaps a little snake DNA should be spliced into our domestic cats. Oh wait... :)
Maybe even a more powerful image...
SWEET BABY JESUS! Hi ho, hi ho, its down the hatch he goes.
Did you shoot these photos yourself? What is the approximate size/weight of the kangaroo this python is eating?
I didn't shoot these. I would guess the 'roo in question is between four and five feet tall, but it is really hard to tell scale through the pics.
icky. thats nasttyyy
ick thats gross.. but thats nature i guess
Amazing to think it goes on in our outback every day .... cool hey
I would like to have seen more of what happenedAFTER he pulled the roo up!!! OR if he even finished pulling the roo up the rest of the way. Would have liked more pics. =( Like a movie screenshot and no movie to go with it. =(
Oh. My. God. I ddn't know there were snakes that viscious in Australia.
That is not a python but rather a venomous snake. I just can't tell which species.
The head is similar to a cobra's meaning it's in the colubrae family, REALLY venomous!
Air travel
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I had my doubts and Prof Google helped out with this. Grows to 5.1 metres. The Amethystine (Scrub) Python (Morelia kinghorni, formerly M. amethistina),
Nice hope u left the snake alone
Wow, that's really neat. It's amazing how snakes have evolved!
omg that is soooooooo nasty!!!!!!!
the only thing i hav 2 say is DAMN!!
Did your mate take these photos? Trying to track down the owner of the pics.
It is a Scrub Python eating an Agile Wallaby.
Can you please let me know thanx.
i wonder if monkeys enjoy racial slurs?
thats the sickest thing!!!
that is so discaosting why would u show that
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